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Introduction to Chemistry




12 Weeks

About the Course

Chemistry is a branch in Science that involves working with elements and atoms and identifying how they provide certain matter with certain properties. This course aims to provide middle and high schoolers a strong foundation in chemistry by going over topics like the structure of an atom, the periodic table, organic chemistry, and more.

This course will allow students to get ahead or improve in their current science course.

Your Instructor

Lavanya Singhal

Lavanya is an 11th grade STEM student hailing from India. Since the young age of 11, she's actively been involved in bringing about change. Starting her journey through MUNs, being an ardent debater, and spending her free time tutoring underprivileged children, speaking in workshops and painting. She is extremely excited to serve as an asynchronous tutor at Creative Minds!

Lavanya Singhal
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